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Race Ramps are know for their extreme low weight. But how much weight can they stand themselves?

On the bottom of standard Race Ramps, one can read: “1,500 LBS. MAX” in big white letters. LBS stands for the Latin “Libra pondo“, with an “S” for multiple. The maximal load on a Race Ramps is thus 1.500 pounds or 680 kg. But what does the mean in terms of cars?

First, it’s import to notice that Race Ramps may only be used with cars equipped with regular road tires. So no agricultural or off-road tires. No metal or wooden wheels like one could find on vintage carriages or modern road working equipment.

Secondly, each ramps should support only one wheel. This is obvious for Service Ramps, Wheel cribs, Flatstoppers and Show Ramps. For Trailer Ramps, the wheel base of the car should be long enough to have only one wheel at a time on each ramp (one left and one right).

Simple math will demonstrate that if each ramp can handle 680 kg and carries one wheel, the maximal weight of the car is 680 kg x 4 = 2.720 kg.

But keep in mind he maximum load on one ramp is 680 kg. If you load a dual axle trailer on a ramp you might well exceed the maximum weight of 680 kg per ramp!

But how about ramps like RR-Restyle-16, RR-PPS or RR-CLR-4?

The car WILL drive upon the ramps with the 4 wheels! Absolutely. But at each moment in time, each block will support only one wheel. The maximal weight remains 680 kg per wheel or 2.720 kg per car.




Heavy Duty Service Ramps like the RR-SPR and RR-XT-2-HD can handle up to 1.100 kg per wheel or 4.400 kg per car. The same goes for the Tow Ramps BT-TT-7-10, BT-TT-7-10-2 and the extenders  BT-TT-7-EX-10.




If you still need more capacity look at the Super Duty Truck Service Ramps RR-STR. They can handle up to 13.000 kg per ramp or 26 ton per axle!